Formerly Fat Girl Diaries II

I have been in denial for the past 5 months! Instead of weight loss I actually gained 15lbs! Thank God my pant size has not really changed but those 2 a day workout sessions dropped to maybe 3 times a week sessions. Which isn’t so bad unless you are still eating like you are working out twice a day! EEEKS! I could blame it on pain from the endometriosis but honestly I am not in pain 24/7 so there is no excuse. Instead of protein pancakes and sweet potatoes sometimes I will leave the house without eating or a lunch! Forget snacks who has time for that! Well I did even when I was working twice as many hours! No excuses! For the last week I have been working out once a day again and feeling those muscles that have been slumbering to long. A setback like this used to be almost permanent but a new mindset took over last year and it prompts me to get back in the saddle. Or the gym more specifically. I was so motivated! I miss that version of me! She has been on the back burner much to long! nobody puts baby in the corner So here’s to is girls and guys! Lets raise that glass of EAS protein to new beginnings everyday! We can do this! I can do this!

In health,


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