Bound for a Wipeout

If there was a design plan for being a “good Christian” I was near perfect on the surface. I read the Bible, was active in ministry, obedient to instruction, and I tithed more than 10%. I was a “good Christian” but I was living in disobedience.


It’s almost laughable. How can you do all the right things and be disobedient? Let me be clear, we can not earn God’s affections. Let me be succinct, we are capable creature’s accomplished by skill and deftness of mind; but we were never meant to do life on our own strength.

Some of the biggest lies a Christian can believe is that they are on their own. Maybe not outright, but instead of relying on God they put their trust in their ability to be the most active and to live a seemingly “perfect” life. Self-sufficiency is not God’s plan for your life. Do you see that surfer in the middle of the picture up above? That is not how your are supposed to ride a wave. Self-sufficiency is like that surfer; Bound for a wipe-out.

Here are some of the lies I believed in and the lessons I have had to learn the hard way.

{Be still and know that I am God}
Psalm 43:10

In 2014, I was managing a stressful career, a new move and the responsibilities of growing a youth ministry. I took no breaks from ministry aside from 4 weekends that year. I knew I was wearing myself thread bare and yet “that’s what I had to do.” Or that’s how I sold it to myself.

Subsequently, I burnt out multiple times. I was an emotional wreck and suffered physically for it. You have to value your well-being over being considered the staff member who goes out-of-the-way in everything. As the president of Oral Roberts University used to say in jest “I am not God.”

We were created to rest in God’s presence and commanded to take a day out of the week to be still. If your leadership team is not allowing you to rest, you are in the wrong place. If you are not taking a Sabbath day because too much is on your plate you are toying with self-sufficiency. Relying on your abilities is in direct disobedience to God’s plan for your life.

{The quieter you become; the more you can hear.}

There is value to being at rest in body and spirit. If the creator of the world needed rest and valued its importance we should too. The easiest way to make boundaries is to learn how to say no. You have the right under Biblical law to keep Sabbath. If they disregard your well-being as a servant of the ministry you should take some time to see if God wants you under the influence of that team. Your relationship to God and emotional well-being matter to the One who created you. Having time to be at rest gives you the opportunity to hear God’s direction.

If rest helps us connect to God than lack of rest will ultimately draw our hearts away from Him. God never wanted us to be self sufficient-we can not be ‘on’ 24/7. The only one who could maintain such a schedule is God and yet He valued His rest day.

Those of us who are in ministry are often tasked to be there when it matters. We pray and guide when people are in need. It is an honor to serve the church in any role we are given. It is because of how important ministry is that we must stay in tune with God and allow ourselves a Sabbath (once a week on any particular day).

Self sufficiency tells us one of two things either A. I have no time to rest or B. No one else can do what I am capable of doing so I must stay busy. Busyness does not honor God. Staying faithful, not giving up the fight and loyalty to Him shows honor to Him.

In Genesis 1, we read the God created the world. He molded something out of nothing and enjoyed what He had accomplished in fact He reveled in its beauty. He called it “good” and He rested. Our Sabbath day is a reminder of what He accomplished and a day of remembrance for how His heart brims over with love for us.

Whatever day you choose to rest spend it in a way that brings you joy. Remember, we honor God just as much in our work as we do by remembering His goodness in the midst of our Sabbath day.

{ A thistle or two of bitter seed can ruin a whole garden in no time.}
Hebrews 12:15

It happens infrequently but in my 10 years of being a Christian, nearly 5 of them serving in some form of lead role, I can tell you from experience that there are only a handful of seemingly “perfect” Christians. No one is immune from stepping on toes or bruising feelings.

If you are imperfect surely others are too and by all means they will hurt you on occasion. This is no permission to dwell on singular occasions or a few inconsiderate situations. People are not out to get you. Regardless we are in flesh tents so words and actions tend to hurt us. As leaders, this should give us some pause to be considerate of our volunteers and those in our realm of influence.

{Bitterness is a curved blade and the harm that we do, we do to ourselves.}

Bitterness is a poison to your spirit. It literally becomes the lens by which you perceive life, people and ultimately God. Bitterness is a trap from the enemy and in time this slow poison will keep you from receiving God’s word. It will attempt to break your capability to trust.

The most detrimental sources of betrayal i have ever experienced has come from the church. I have heard plenty of stories from people who have encountered some situation where trust had been broken by someone in church leadership or by gossiping church members.

We are supposed to represent God by walking in love. They shouldnt expect to be thrown to the wolves but sadly this happens frequently. There is no excuse good enough for such poor behavior. For those who have been hurt please bear in mind that they did not represent Jesus. They failed you in that regard. I am sorry that we have failed you and I pray you don’t give up on God because we failed to represent Him.

On occasion we miss the mark. I have been hurt twice by church leadership and let down on occasion by “Christians.” We experience it ourselves. Heart to heart, without trying my expectation to be hurt by church leaders has built up a barrier. One that I have had to take the hammer to on occasion. Don’t give up on God. We are not Him and are susceptible to facepalming on occasion.

There are those of us who would deeply mourn if we clearly understood how our failures affect your ability to receive a Gods message ofhope, love and forgiveness. Trust me, if God has truly called them to ministry they will grow under His direction and correction. The same direction and correction that He is guiding you by. Christians are called to be like Him but the only way you will know who He is occurs by you opening your Bible to see who He is and by seeking Him in your prayer life.

When the enemy brings up your past or previous hurts take a stand against them. It is the enemy’s way of tossing the poisoned bait into the stream; don’t take the bait!

{How we leave a situation or season is often a precursor for how we enter the next.}

When you encounter someone who hurts you, unintentionally or not, it is pivotal that you pray for your peace and for the strength to forgive them. Whenever Satan tosses that bait into the stream just turn around and whip it right back at him. Tell Him to go straight back to hell and take those filthy words and bad memories with him.

Forgive those who hurt you and release it to God each and every time those memories come back. I believe that you can be free from bitterness and that through practiced forgiveness it is possible to eventually walk in peace regardless of circumstance.

You can either leave that old season in bitterness and anger or you can leave it in peace. Call it karma or Divine Providence (“hashgacha” in Hebrew) but the words and actions we create will wreak havoc if left unchecked. Your act of forgiveness will create peace in your life. Bitterness will only ever breed resentment.

Bottling up bitterness and closing yourself off from God results in an emotional self sufficiency. Bitterness leads to resentment which only pulls you away from people and God. The enemy wants you to be alone and He wants you to feel alone. This is a way he can convince you that no one is to be trusted. There are trustworthy people in the church who actively pursue God in words and actions. Find them to see what a real christian looks like.

{I, your God, have a firm grip on you and I’m not letting go. I say to you “Do not panic. I’m right here to help you.”}
Isaiah 41:13

You can not walk through life unscathed. This world we live in happens to be imperfect and it places many burdens on our backs. Let alone the things we choose to keep with us along the journey; memories of past hurts, unforgiveness, and sins. These awful things can be given to God. Jesus took those burdens with Him to the cross. Because of what He has done, you are not obligated to treat your past like a scarlet letter.

We were not made to carry each scar to our deaths or pull out every mistake for another to view. It is best if you set it down and allow God to fling those awful memories as far away from you as possible. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, which abolished all memory of your sins from His mind, you are exonerated from judgement and by default free to live at peace with yourself and others.

{Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest – Matthew 11:28}

Now when you choose to be bitter or when you take out the memories of your past you are taking a magnifying lens and peering at it closely with your eyes. You are taking something that should be removed like a cancer and making note of every detail of its situation. You are preventing your mind from being at rest and you are encouraging the growth of bitterness.

Bitterness is both self-sufficiency and self-pity. It is self-sufficiency because you are preventing God from removing something that is toxic from your life. It is self-pity because you don’t want to let it go; in fact you might use it to point fingers and continue the cycle of pain in your life and in others. Neither of these actions leads to peace or emotional rest. Keep in mind: How you exit a season or situation often predicts the mindset of how you enter the next. The next time the enemy offers you the opportunity to leave in bitterness…hand that devil back!

The areas that I struggled with mostly hovered in self-sufficiency. It is not that I thought God was incapable I just relied on my own grit and determination more than I relied on Him. The result of this disobedience, because now I see for what it truly is, was bitterness and a lack of emotional rest.

The people of Babel wanted to be like gods so they built a tower to be at God’s level. They thought “If I can get to that place in the sky I will be in control of my life.” They thought that they could be perfect and powerful if they could just get a little higher. God created us capable of doing great things but we are limited. We are not God-just reflections of Him. In fact, it is in our inability to be all encompassing that His goodness and mercy are proven stronger than our ability to attain it.

Additional Resources:

The Bait of Satan-John Bevere

Culture of Honor-Danny Silk

Avocado And Mango Smoothie


Full of healthy fats and satisfying fiber this smoothie is a perfect pick-me-up for those reducing the dairy and processed sugar intake this month. Trust me its good.


  • 1/2 of a Fresh Avocado
  • 1/2 cp Mango
  • 8oz Water
  • Ice

Optional: 1/4 Banana if you need more sweetness


Blend it up and go! If you need a bit more sweetness in your smoothie add a chunk of banana at a time.

Fit Tip: I encourage you to begin training your tongue to enjoy less sweet foods in order to quell future sugar and carb cravings. Remember before we had access to fruit all year long humans only had access to sweets on a seasonal basis.

In Health,

Michelle W.

have a heart

Huevos Rancheros: The Tex-Mex Kitchen Sink

2014-04-28-Huevos-Rancheros So I tried my hand at making black bean burgers (my favorite dish when eating out) and I utterly failed…sort of. If you can fail at making this well then I did it.  I was going to toss out the disastrous dish but after careful consideration I turned those lemons into lemonade. I messed up my black bean burgers but I certainly cant really mess up Huevos Rancheros! It is simply beans, eggs and verde or hot sauce (Hola Siracha).


  • 2 Cans of black or pinto beans (Drained and Rinsed)
  • 1 C. Fresh Corn Kernels or Frozen
  • 1 Chopped Onion
  • 2 Cloves of Garlic (Minced)
  • 3 Egg Whites & 3 Whole Eggs
  • .5 C. of Old Fashioned Oats
  • Hot sauce & Chili Peppers to taste
  • Coarse black pepper to taste
  • Avocado Slices
  • Onion Slices
  • Salsa
  • 1TB Olive oil

Now, I am a lazy girl when it comes to cooking so my instructions are pretty much dumbed down for my preference (i.e. lazy; see above). Simply mix all ingredients together and cook in lightly oiled pan. You want the beans to be smooshed but not so that’s its like re-fried beans. I would say 1/3 smooshed to 2/3 beans or somewhere along those lines. Remember the motive for cooking this is not “Food as art” but “Feed my freaking mouth.” Its not pretty. Its cooked when it has browned on both “sides.” Remember I was trying to make black bean burgers when I discovered the recipe was a total disaster. Once the beans are cooked simply fry an egg and add your favorite hotsauce. Season to taste. Serving Suggestion: Serve over fresh corn tortillas! In Health, Michelle heart-clip-art

Chimichurri Vinegarette


Chimichurri is an Argentinian marinade for roasted meats but with a little hack it is PERFECT for veggies too.


  • 2 Cps Parsley and Cilantro (Firmly Packed)
  • 1/2 Tb Oregano Flakes
  • 1 TB Red Pepper Flakes
  • 4 Cloves of Garlic
  • 1/2 Olive Oil
  • 2-3 Shallots or 2-4 Tb Onion
  • 1/2 Cp Red Wine or Rice Wine Vinegar
  • 1 TB Fresh Lime Juice
  • Salt and Pepper to Taste


In a food processor pulse the dry ingredients until finely chopped. In a medium sized bowl whisk the lime juice, vinegar, olive oil. Gently combine the chopped ingredients into liquid ingredients. Allow to marinate 1 hour before tossing into your preferred salad.

Note: Reduce the vinegar to 2 Tb to prepare Chimichurri as a marinade for meats.

In Health,

Michelle W.

Do it for your heart!

The January Tool Shed: Six Simple Tricks to Weight Loss


Welcome to the tool shed: Here are seven tips and tricks to incorporate as you reach your weight lifting and fat loss goals in the month of January! Be sure to scroll through to better understand the important nutritional role of healthy carbohydrates.


  • Food Journal: Track what you eat to keep accountable
  • Workout Buddy: Accountability partners are helpful to keep you motivated both in and outside of the gym.
  • Buy Lean Meats Such as Turkey, Chicken and Fish to Help Build Muscle and Reduce Fat Intake
  • Delegate Lean Red Meats and Jerky as a Weekly Treat: Red Meats are Difficult on the Digestive System
  • Become Aware of how Many Carbs Your Body Needs to Function.
  • Nutritonal Timing: Try to eat your carbs in the AM or before working out when you need the quick energy.
  • Remove Processed Sugars and Grains From Your Diet: Keep to whole grains like brown rice, buck wheat, quinoa or sweet potatoes.

*Items in blue are dietary changes to implement this month.
*Items in black are well-known staples to leading a healthy life.

When I first began weightlifting, I was told to limit my overall carb intake while removing them completely carbs after 3pm if I wanted to lean out quicker. Why 3pm? I am not sure. There are some who say that it is a gimmick and others who claim that our bodies turn carbohydrates into fat when we sleep. The reasoning was that in order to prevent fat from forming during sleep we would need to remove carbs from our diet early in the afternoon. Sure eating only 1/2 cup of brown rice as the only source of carb of the day will help you lose weight quickly but is it really the best option for your overall health?

Research has shown that high glycemic carbs, like rice, when eaten within 4 hours of bedtime will effectively boost serotonin levels to promote better sleep. Many people, myself included, often experience more instances of insomnia on low carb or ketogenic diets than those eating a whole food diet. It is basic knowledge that carbohydrates play a major role in sports nutrition. Their ability to help you maintain your energy during a workout shows us just how important it is to eat the right amount of carbs every day. Maintaining a low-carb diet has an amazing affect at maintaining proper insulin levels throughout the day especially for those who are insulin resistant. Our problem with carbs really has to do with where we get our carbs and if we eat them in excess. What do we do with all this conflicting information? To eat or not to eat that is the question…

In an article clarifying how to safely reduce carbohydrate intake and nutritional timing, the good folks at EAS Sports Nutrition explain how to use carbs effectively;

[A better approach to carbohydrate reduction] is to eat…based on your activity level and understand what makes up an actual serving size of carbohydrate. Carbohydrate equals fuel, and the body prefers glucose (what the carbohydrate is broken down into) for energy to fuel both the muscles and the brain. Without enough carbohydrate you are bound to sputter along like a car that is about to run out of gas. This becomes particularly important to the athlete who needs to have a full supply of energy at all times. During exercise or sports activities, the body will use available glucose in the blood for energy. Once that supply of glucose is depleted, the body will begin to break down glycogen, which is stored glucose, for energy. After that is gone, the body no longer has an efficient way to release glucose and your ability to perform at a high level will be compromised.

Either way, cutting back on your calories and bulking up on your veggies is always a good option and apparently there is some serious science behind nutritional timing that may support the concept of reducing carbs simply to use them when your body requires them.

Based on personal experience, I credit nutritional timing and actively reducing overall carb intake as one of the biggest weight loss tools when I want to lean down quickly. Early on, I began drastically reducing my daily carb intake. I rid my diet processed carbs and oddly enough, temporarily removed banana’s from my diet as well. Apparently banana’s are “forbidden fruit” according to a friend of mine who was active in male fitness competitions circuit.

Instead of having a carb with every meal I had a small 3oz sweet potato or 1/4 cup of brown rice in the morning. That was my only major source of carb throughout the day. If I planned on competing in a race I could add in an additional sweet potato or brown rice serving a few nights before and following the race. I am not a nutritionist but I am a pro at knowing what works by trial and error. Plain and simple: it worked.

I do want to include information specifically on carb prior to sleep. While researching homeopathic aids to reduce insomnia I came across an case study from the University of Sydney that suggested carbohydrates with a high glycemic index may promote sleep if eaten within 4 hours before bedtime. High glycemic carbs may boost typtophan and serotonin, two major chemicals involved in deep sleep. Perhaps a small serving of brown rice before sleeping is a good nutritional addition to your sleep regimen.

Overall, I promote reducing carb intake and completely removing processed sugars and carbs for overall health. Intense carb reduction should be done only as a temporary measure to break sugar cravings and to control your blood sugar. Carbohydrates are important for your health just be sure to choose whole foods rather than processed grains or sweet treats.

One of the resources I use is the website they have informative articles that can clarify further the importance of carbs in a healthy diet and the best ways to promote better nutritional wellness for fat loss and muscle gain. I suggest that you begin with their article on Carbohydrates and Bodybuilding.

In Health,

Michelle W.


I, Einstein: The Body Project


In previous articles, I have encouraged you to make small sustainable measurements as you reach your fitness goals. To bring any new readers up to speed, in last week’s article, The Science of Health: A Beginners Resolution, I suggested that you view your New Years resolution as a science experiment. Create meaningful lifestyle goals but allow your journey to flow at a sustainable pace in order to prevent burnout or procrastination.

Your fitness goals will be easier to maintain if you place your focus on your overall well-being rather than one particular outcome of a lifestyle change such as weight loss. In order to set the example, I have decided to include you in my New Years resolution towards better health.

Following a change in careers that lead me to Miami, Fl I discovered that life as I knew it was not going to survive the rigors of a 4 hour commute and the stresses of poor work environment. Based on blood tests from early last year, I was able to deduce that these external effects were severely harmful to my well-being. Not only did my blood pressure surge over the course of a year but my cholesterol levels spiked as well. So this made me think, now that I am beginning to resume my life as I had known it, what would my blood chemistry look like as I returned to a healthier lifestyle?

My New Years resolution is to cut out processed sugars and grains as well as dairy over the course of the next month in an effort to return to my clean eating lifestyle. There is no focus on exercise in my experiment because it will be the focus of the second phase of my 2015 “experiment.” I want to have an unbiased result so I will be doing a meager 30 minutes a day which is the minimum requirement according to multiple sources. 30 minutes is nothing compared to the 4 hours a day I was used to back when I was body building.

To measure my results I will track my blood chemistry every eights weeks over the course of six months. I am not at risk of anemia so my focus will be on my blood pressure and cholesterol levels which are still in the normal range but a bit high on the spectrum. I am an active blood donor through the mobile OneBlood program and I will use their free wellness tests to track my progress over the next 6 months.

As a reminder, last week I brought up a study on short-term mood regulation by Dr. Timothy Pychyl, a professor of psychology at Carleton University in Canada. His study focused on why we procrastinate, how procrastination hinders us from reaching our goals and how a mood regulating process (such as creating small sustainable goals) helps us reach our goals. To prevent burnout I have came up with a system where I can measure the outcomes of the blood tests and placed them alongside an easy to follow procedure of slowly cutting out processed foods.

I will showcase the results from my blood tests as they become available while providing you with the resources I use to maintain my fitness goals over the course of the next six months. Be sure to read my “Dirty Laundry” to stay abreast of this little experiment and be sure to let me know in the comments below what your goals are for 2015!

In Health,

Michelle W.


The Body Project: Blood Chemistry Measurements


According to memory, prior to my year in Miami, FL my blood chemistry was solid. My cholesterol was in the low 120’s and my blood pressure was 108/69. Body fat fluxed between 24 and 27% and my weight fluxed between 178/187 lbs. Relatively no stress. Very Active. But the affects of city life, a stressful work environment and normal ministry demands led to a very unhealthy lifestyle over the course of one year resulting in weight gain, insomnia, anxiety and obviously poor overall health.

I am right there with all of you who have made temporary lifestyle sacrifices for a career. I understand how sacrifices have to be made on occasion to reach professional goals. But if it is no longer necessary, if there is any way for you to escape, I highly encourage you to do so.

You are more than a career-don’t send yourself to an early grave because of one.

DATE        TIME FRAME                                                BLOOD PRESSURE              CHOLESTEROL

11.24.13 – Three months into a stressful job…              110/69                                    149

01.26.14 – Six months in…                                                          116/66                                    156

01.02.15 – Six months post…                                                     111/69                                    179

Be sure to check back at the end of February to see the results of my 1st blood chemistry test following 8 weeks of healthy nutrition.  If you have a healthy mind or body story you would like to share on the blog just send me a message with the details!

In Health,

Michelle W.


Creamy Pesto Cauliflower Soup


So you have some cauliflower left over and you are at a loss on how to use it up? Why not make a yummy soup! With heart healthy pine nuts and olive oil coupled with the pleasant flavor of basil this soup is bound to be a hit with your family.


  • 2 Cups Riced Cauliflower (Approx. 1/2 a Head)
  • 1 Medium Onion
  • 2-3 Celery Stalks
  • 2 Cups Bone Broth
  • 1/2 Cup Coconut Milk
  • 1 Large Egg
  • 2-3 Sprigs of Basil
  • 3 Tsp of Thyme
    * Salt and Pepper to Taste
    * Drizzle with Olive Oil
    * Top with Pine Nuts


In a food processor grate the cauliflower into a rice like consistency. Add the onion, celery, and egg into the food processor and puree to a near creamy texture. Add the sprigs of basil and thyme and pulse until well blended. In large pot, add the pureed mixture into the coconut milk and bone broth ingredients. Simmer for 30 minutes or until you reach a consistency that is palatable. Season to taste. Sprinkle the bowl with pine nuts and drizzle olive oil over your individual bowls as a heart healthy garnish.

In Health,

Michelle W.


New Years Resolution with Purpose


Earlier this week I posted about New Year resolutions and how to take control of your life by tracking progress and not just the number on the scale. Today I want to share with you my BIGGEST New Years Goal.

Last Fall, I privately told God that if He would call me to another 12 months of ministry in Miami I would obey because I would know He was in the endeavor. In my own strength I would not be able to stay and without His will for me to be there I would flounder. Even though I loved doing ministry in Miami, I knew that where I was planted was not leading me in the direction God had created me to flourish.

I am thankful for the lessons I learned last year and for the special people I shared my life with. With this in mind I know He had called me to it, He had pulled me through it and when the time to move on approached He removed every obstacle from my decision to leave when the opportunity came.

I am thankful for that time and I am beginning to see the glimmer of purpose from that hard year. I believe in the coming months I will find even more clarity and purpose from it. At the end of that season in my life, I learned that I could stay the course. I passed the test with flying colors and I am confident that God will never call me through this season again. Just like in the story of Noah and the Ark: there was a flood and now God has given me a hope and a promise.

Once I left Miami, the Holy Spirit placed in me a kindling desire to learn how to honor like Jesus in any situation. To give just as much honor and love to those who deserve it as to those whose actions disappoint me. It is my New Years goal to walk this out beginning with those closest to me. Often when we come across a painful situation or person we harbour resentment for weeks until it comes out as a big argument or we walk away jaded assuming that no one is to be trusted.

We forget that sometimes people hurt us because they have some growing of their own to do. It is not a reflection of some dark matter or moral corruption. They are people who need growth just like the rest of us.  These situations are spiritual easy battle’s that we must conquer before we can be like Christ to people who truly do not like us. If you are familiar with the slopes, it is like comparing the bunny slope to the double black diamond. You have to practice on the hills before you can tackle the mountain.

Billy Graham once said that it is “The Holy Spirit’s job to convict, God’s job to judge and my job to love.” You can not be held accountable for the actions of others but you are completely responsible for how you conduct yourself. Remember: Honor is not an outcome based on the merit of another person-it is the result of how honorable you are.

This year I encourage you to make both healthy goals and purposeful resolutions. Allow God to reveal areas in your life that need some attention and reflect on the lessons you learned in 2014. Life is meant for growth and development: Make sure to live it with purpose.

In Health,



Procrastination and the Desire to Succeed

A pic from Jessica Pendergrast's facebook fanpage!

For weeks we have been telling ourselves that once the holidays are over we will put down the pies, the eggnog and the mashed potatoes in an effort to make our pilgrimage to better health. This conversation starts sometime around Halloween and it lasts through New Years Day with plenty of parties and family festivities to chew our way through in the meantime.

So when January 1st comes we have our FitBits, our food journals and we are ready to take on the world but for many of us, perhaps sometime around February 1st, our momentum starts to slow down. The scale may have gotten stuck somewhere or if you are like me a birthday happens and then Easter rolls around. Suddenly its June and there is no way you are putting that itsy bitsy teeny weenie bikini back on this summer even if your life depended on it.

In an interview with Psychology Today, Timothy Pychyl, a professor of psychology at Carleton University in Canada, says that people make resolutions as a way of reinventing themselves. Everyday we have the opportunity to change our lives but we put it off for one reason or another. When January 1st rolls around all of a sudden there is new surge of motivation that makes us want to participate in a big change. New Year-New You! Or at least that has been the mantra.

Our failure to maintain goals is hindered by our inability to create immediate change. Apparently we are hard-wired for immediate gratification and anything that we deem or find too difficult to accomplish is put on the back burner. In a study on “cultural procrastination” Pychyl and his team focused on the ability to change habits, particularly bad habits and our inability to maintain long term lifestyle changes. What we can take away from his study on short term mood regulation is that procrastination, coupled with and an unrealistic mindset of changing long-held habits, boils down to a high failure rate when it concerns making any lifestyle change last.

However, there are ways to combat procrastination and our desire for immediate gratification. In my last article, I recommended making gradual sustainable changes that you can manage over a short period of time instead of intense overnight changes that could lead to losing momentum. Over the past decade, officials in the health industry have come to the conclusion that the more slowly you lose the weight, the more likely you are to keep it off.  Start by doing what is manageable. If your goal is to bench press your body weight, but you have never attempted to do it before, it would be wise to gradually increase your weights over a long period of time. Likewise, if you are attempting to cut out processed foods perhaps you would want to start off by removing processed sugars followed by processed grains, etc.

You can achieve good health and it is possible to live out these healthy changes your entire life following this process. Albeit there are some Herculean varieties of humans who can cut anything out cold turkey and make those changes last but for the majority of us we need to ease into it. Following these recommendations and researching how to overcome your personal obstacles will aid you in your journey.

In Health,

Michelle W.
